Sunday, March 14, 2010

He keeps turning my water into wine!

My God is a good God! Look at what He's blessed me with! Going from an SUV down to a car with four kids was a big adjustment. Going from a car back to an SUV is awesome! Thank you God!

After the nightmare with the Nissan service department, I drove my car across the street to the Hyundai dealer. I didn't know what I wanted, but when I saw the car above (not picture of actual car, but same model/color), I liked it immediately. I was even surprised when the salesmen showed me it had a third row of seating. What a blessing.

The car is a 2008 Hyundai Veracruz. Previously, it was a lease and had been turned in only two weeks prior. It started off listed at $26K. By the time I arrived on the lot, they had knocked the price down to $21K. After my trade-in, the price came down to $18K, before tags/tax/title. I put $500 dollars down and drove off the lot feeling awesome. Little did I know that the following week that awesome feeling would come crashing down.

One evening I was sitting at home and there was a knock at the door. The postman had a certified letter I needed to sign for. It was a notice from the dealership to return the car immediately. They wanted take my new car back and return my old one to me. The reason was that they could not find a bank to fund my purchase. I called the finance manager right away and he told me to come the next morning. I was crushed. I called my aunt who is a pastor. I told her what was going on and asked what should I do? Her answer....pray. I had sought God for forgiveness for my other car and had asked for His help. I'd been blessed with a beautiful SUV, and she told me He wasn't going to take it away from me. She said He has a plan, always. She also said the Holy Spirit was telling her to tell me about David (David and Goliath). She didn't know why, but I would find out soon enough.

Before I'd gotten the notice from the dealership, I'd read an article about a couple that was using their boat to be a blessing to kids of abused mothers. The kids sail through the harbor singing praises to God and telling other boaters that they love them. The woman recounted how many of the tired, angry faces would light up hearing the kids. The name of their boat is "Wat'ter Into Wine". I remember thinking, wow, what a great name. God has blessed me with a bigger car. I can use my vehicle to be a blessing to others. I called my church and gave them my name and number. I said anyone who needs a ride to service can call me for a ride.

Following my phone call with my aunt, I was on the sofa channel surfing. God was about to show me a miracle not only with my car, but he wanted to set a life compass for me to follow. I caught Pastor Joel Olsteen in the middle of a sermon. He preaching on God turning our water into wine...I nearly fell off the sofa! What were the chances of that?! He said just like God took a 20+ year process of aging fine wine and speed it up to a few moments, He would do the same miracle in my life. He then began to talk about how God was with David when he stood against Goliath. Praise God! The Holy Spirit had told my aunt to tell me to think on David, and here was Pastor Olsteen telling his story. He also told about how David and his army were out fighting only to come home and find all of their women, children, and possessions taken. David was devastated, but then he remember Who he served. He prayed and three days later he and his army went out and recovered everything that was taken from them. Pastor Olsteen said you could be three days from your victory, don't give up, stand on the Word and promises of God.

A few days later, the finance manager called and said he had good news. He wanted me to come in the following day. When I arrived I was told that they were taking another $4ooo dollars off the price of the car, lowering my payments $50 dollars a month, and taking 11 months off my previous finance terms. I got a $26,000 dollar car for $14,000 dollars. Praise God!

Everyone's prayer should be that God excels not only their life, but the lives of their children, and that God turns their water into wine.

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