Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A $126 dollar bag of pita chips

I'm moving on Friday. The movers will be here early. Every time I think I have time to get more packing done, something happens. This time it was an emergency trip to the dentist for my 9 year-old daughter Olyvia.

Olyvia's teeth went toe-to-toe with a handful of pita chips. Olyvia's teeth...scored zero....pita chips...scored a knockout. She cracked her back tooth and part of it came out. I tried to take a look at the situation, but the bile threatening the back of my throat convinced me we needed a professional.

You know, it's funny how I pray for the Lord to guide my steps everyday, and then I have the nerve to be surprised when he actually does. We did previously have a pediatric dentist that we went to, but I will no longer patronize their business. I'll have to save that story for another time. Right now I'm knee-deep in dealing with a complaint I've logged against them with the California Dental Association....but I digress. Anywho, today I "happened" to decide to look for another pediatric dentist. We just went in December, so I had until June when our 6 month check-up was due. Nevertheless, I was on the internet today diligently looking for a new dentist. I found one and called to make an appointment for June. The nurse on the phone gave me explicit directions on how to get there. I remember thinking to myself, "Why is she telling me now? We're not coming until June." Wrong. Olyvia was in pain when I picked her up at daycare after work. She couldn't fully close her mouth. I was thinking about what I should do when I suddenly recalled the directions the nurse had given me earlier.

I rush Olyvia over to the dentist because it was 4:15pm and I knew they closed at 5. To my dismay, even though it was only 4:30pm, it was closed when we arrived. At that point I remembered that the nurse had told me that if I needed a dentist for myself, there was a really good one next door. I ran over there and explained the situation. Even though they normally didn't work on kids, and they already had their last patient scheduled, the doctor agreed to take Olyvia. They were such a Godsend! Everyone stayed late so Olyvia could be seen, and the doctor was so amazing and gentle with her. I could hear him explaining everything he was about to do, and he made sure that she was okay before he proceeded. It brought tears to my eyes. He came out and told me that she had cracked a baby tooth and it had to be removed because the jagged edges were tearing into her gums. He was really impressed with how brave and cooperative Olyvia was.

10 minutes later the tooth was out and Olyvia was crying....with relief! LOL. The doctor says people usually cry tears of sadness, not joy like my daughter. Olyvia said it felt so good when he finally pulled the tooth out that she couldn't help but cry! I thanked them profusely for helping us, and I also had to give my 7 year old-twins kudos. It's extremely hard to sit still in a waiting room for an hour and a half. Everyone was awesome!

I got up this morning with no thought of what would transpire, but God knew. Every morning I ask Him to guide my steps and the steps of my children. I'm sure he's wondering when I'll stop being surprised when I realize that He's done what I asked.

Proverbs 3:6 (Amplified Bible) In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.

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