Monday, March 15, 2010

God's Servant + A Willing Heart = God's Blessings

Today was an interesting day to say the least. A co-worker required a trip to the emergency room during work hours. I made sure they made it there and back home. It was surprising to me that what I did was against regulations. I know there are regulations in place to ensure the safety of workers, but are there any regulations in place to ensure the safety of workers? No, you're not seeing double. I said exactly what I meant.

There was a noticeable absence of leadership in the wake of the accident. I was troubled that there is swifter response when inanimate objects sustain injury. One can't really feel that there is legitimate concern when no one shows up to make sure they are alright. I was also disappointed when I found out that no one called the hospital to check on this person's condition. My co-worker was astounded to learn that I was on my way to the hospital after work to pick them up and take them home. They kept thanking me, but my thought was, how could I not? How can anyone know someone needs help and not help them? Does the Bible not say "Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it. (Prov. 3:27)"?

There is a saying, "Lead from the front, not from the back." You cannot ask someone to give 100% when you only give 10%. If you are a leader, make sure your people are your top priority, not just in words, but in actions. People will respect you more and be willing to go the extra mile. I am sorry that no one was there for my co-worker, but at least he was able to experience the love of God working in His servant. God used me to be a blessing today to someone that really needed it. Praise Him.

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