Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A $126 dollar bag of pita chips

I'm moving on Friday. The movers will be here early. Every time I think I have time to get more packing done, something happens. This time it was an emergency trip to the dentist for my 9 year-old daughter Olyvia.

Olyvia's teeth went toe-to-toe with a handful of pita chips. Olyvia's teeth...scored zero....pita chips...scored a knockout. She cracked her back tooth and part of it came out. I tried to take a look at the situation, but the bile threatening the back of my throat convinced me we needed a professional.

You know, it's funny how I pray for the Lord to guide my steps everyday, and then I have the nerve to be surprised when he actually does. We did previously have a pediatric dentist that we went to, but I will no longer patronize their business. I'll have to save that story for another time. Right now I'm knee-deep in dealing with a complaint I've logged against them with the California Dental Association....but I digress. Anywho, today I "happened" to decide to look for another pediatric dentist. We just went in December, so I had until June when our 6 month check-up was due. Nevertheless, I was on the internet today diligently looking for a new dentist. I found one and called to make an appointment for June. The nurse on the phone gave me explicit directions on how to get there. I remember thinking to myself, "Why is she telling me now? We're not coming until June." Wrong. Olyvia was in pain when I picked her up at daycare after work. She couldn't fully close her mouth. I was thinking about what I should do when I suddenly recalled the directions the nurse had given me earlier.

I rush Olyvia over to the dentist because it was 4:15pm and I knew they closed at 5. To my dismay, even though it was only 4:30pm, it was closed when we arrived. At that point I remembered that the nurse had told me that if I needed a dentist for myself, there was a really good one next door. I ran over there and explained the situation. Even though they normally didn't work on kids, and they already had their last patient scheduled, the doctor agreed to take Olyvia. They were such a Godsend! Everyone stayed late so Olyvia could be seen, and the doctor was so amazing and gentle with her. I could hear him explaining everything he was about to do, and he made sure that she was okay before he proceeded. It brought tears to my eyes. He came out and told me that she had cracked a baby tooth and it had to be removed because the jagged edges were tearing into her gums. He was really impressed with how brave and cooperative Olyvia was.

10 minutes later the tooth was out and Olyvia was crying....with relief! LOL. The doctor says people usually cry tears of sadness, not joy like my daughter. Olyvia said it felt so good when he finally pulled the tooth out that she couldn't help but cry! I thanked them profusely for helping us, and I also had to give my 7 year old-twins kudos. It's extremely hard to sit still in a waiting room for an hour and a half. Everyone was awesome!

I got up this morning with no thought of what would transpire, but God knew. Every morning I ask Him to guide my steps and the steps of my children. I'm sure he's wondering when I'll stop being surprised when I realize that He's done what I asked.

Proverbs 3:6 (Amplified Bible) In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.

Monday, March 15, 2010

God's Servant + A Willing Heart = God's Blessings

Today was an interesting day to say the least. A co-worker required a trip to the emergency room during work hours. I made sure they made it there and back home. It was surprising to me that what I did was against regulations. I know there are regulations in place to ensure the safety of workers, but are there any regulations in place to ensure the safety of workers? No, you're not seeing double. I said exactly what I meant.

There was a noticeable absence of leadership in the wake of the accident. I was troubled that there is swifter response when inanimate objects sustain injury. One can't really feel that there is legitimate concern when no one shows up to make sure they are alright. I was also disappointed when I found out that no one called the hospital to check on this person's condition. My co-worker was astounded to learn that I was on my way to the hospital after work to pick them up and take them home. They kept thanking me, but my thought was, how could I not? How can anyone know someone needs help and not help them? Does the Bible not say "Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it. (Prov. 3:27)"?

There is a saying, "Lead from the front, not from the back." You cannot ask someone to give 100% when you only give 10%. If you are a leader, make sure your people are your top priority, not just in words, but in actions. People will respect you more and be willing to go the extra mile. I am sorry that no one was there for my co-worker, but at least he was able to experience the love of God working in His servant. God used me to be a blessing today to someone that really needed it. Praise Him.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

He keeps turning my water into wine!

My God is a good God! Look at what He's blessed me with! Going from an SUV down to a car with four kids was a big adjustment. Going from a car back to an SUV is awesome! Thank you God!

After the nightmare with the Nissan service department, I drove my car across the street to the Hyundai dealer. I didn't know what I wanted, but when I saw the car above (not picture of actual car, but same model/color), I liked it immediately. I was even surprised when the salesmen showed me it had a third row of seating. What a blessing.

The car is a 2008 Hyundai Veracruz. Previously, it was a lease and had been turned in only two weeks prior. It started off listed at $26K. By the time I arrived on the lot, they had knocked the price down to $21K. After my trade-in, the price came down to $18K, before tags/tax/title. I put $500 dollars down and drove off the lot feeling awesome. Little did I know that the following week that awesome feeling would come crashing down.

One evening I was sitting at home and there was a knock at the door. The postman had a certified letter I needed to sign for. It was a notice from the dealership to return the car immediately. They wanted take my new car back and return my old one to me. The reason was that they could not find a bank to fund my purchase. I called the finance manager right away and he told me to come the next morning. I was crushed. I called my aunt who is a pastor. I told her what was going on and asked what should I do? Her answer....pray. I had sought God for forgiveness for my other car and had asked for His help. I'd been blessed with a beautiful SUV, and she told me He wasn't going to take it away from me. She said He has a plan, always. She also said the Holy Spirit was telling her to tell me about David (David and Goliath). She didn't know why, but I would find out soon enough.

Before I'd gotten the notice from the dealership, I'd read an article about a couple that was using their boat to be a blessing to kids of abused mothers. The kids sail through the harbor singing praises to God and telling other boaters that they love them. The woman recounted how many of the tired, angry faces would light up hearing the kids. The name of their boat is "Wat'ter Into Wine". I remember thinking, wow, what a great name. God has blessed me with a bigger car. I can use my vehicle to be a blessing to others. I called my church and gave them my name and number. I said anyone who needs a ride to service can call me for a ride.

Following my phone call with my aunt, I was on the sofa channel surfing. God was about to show me a miracle not only with my car, but he wanted to set a life compass for me to follow. I caught Pastor Joel Olsteen in the middle of a sermon. He preaching on God turning our water into wine...I nearly fell off the sofa! What were the chances of that?! He said just like God took a 20+ year process of aging fine wine and speed it up to a few moments, He would do the same miracle in my life. He then began to talk about how God was with David when he stood against Goliath. Praise God! The Holy Spirit had told my aunt to tell me to think on David, and here was Pastor Olsteen telling his story. He also told about how David and his army were out fighting only to come home and find all of their women, children, and possessions taken. David was devastated, but then he remember Who he served. He prayed and three days later he and his army went out and recovered everything that was taken from them. Pastor Olsteen said you could be three days from your victory, don't give up, stand on the Word and promises of God.

A few days later, the finance manager called and said he had good news. He wanted me to come in the following day. When I arrived I was told that they were taking another $4ooo dollars off the price of the car, lowering my payments $50 dollars a month, and taking 11 months off my previous finance terms. I got a $26,000 dollar car for $14,000 dollars. Praise God!

Everyone's prayer should be that God excels not only their life, but the lives of their children, and that God turns their water into wine.

When one door closes, God opens another

Want to know when you're on the right track with God? Something will happen to try to steer you away from Him. No sooner had I started tithing then my car wants to break down. My car, which by the way was still covered under the original 3yr/30,000 mile warranty, is going to cost me $5000 dollars to fix. This according to the all knowing service department at my dealership. *Sigh*

I unfortunately did not treat my car, which was a blessing from God, in the way I should have. I was not on schedule with my oil changes. It always seemed there was always something more important that needed to be done with that money. I stress the word seemed. What could possibly be more important than caring for the machinery that gets you everywhere you need to go? The one thing that keeps you from having to uitilize public transportation. An item that many people across the nation are without. I have apologized to God for neglecting my car.

My car started blowing blue smoke and was knocking like a diesel engine. The people at Cerritos Nissan service department always left a bad taste in my mouth anytime I'd dealt with them. So it was no surprise when I pulled my limping car in at 7am one Saturday and the guy was predicting doom and gloom. He hadn't even looked at my car, but he proceeded to tell me how one poor soul had the same problem just last week. This unfortunate customer ended up needing $5K dollars for a new engine due to sludge buildup. Of course that might not happen to me, but he felt "obligated" to warn me. Isn't it nice when someone cares?! Three days and $125 dollars (just to look at it!) later, I was told that my car needed....surprise! a new engine. Why? Black sludge in the engine. How much? Why $5000 dollars of course! But just to be sure, he wanted me to authorize another $330 dollars so they could take a deeper look and be certain they should charge me $5K.

This is the part of the show where I imagine myself taking my car and running him down in front of all the other people at the dealership who are currently bent over Cerritos Nissan's proverbial barrel. After all the blue smoke and black sludge clears, we join together rejoicing in overcoming "The Establishment". Of course people who serve God aren't supposed to imagine such things, but the truth of the matter is sometimes we do. The only difference is we smile like a Chesire cat for a moment, experience guilt the next, and ask God for forgiveness afterwards. Pushing aside thoughts of murder, I quietly told the service dealer to please put my car back together because I was coming to pick it up.

I hung up the phone and had a few minutes of freaking out. Then I remembered Who I serve. I apologized to God for not taking care of His gift. I asked for Him to have mercy on me and to work out my car issues. I told him I don't have $5000 dollars, and I need His help. After I calmed down, the Holy Spirit brought back to my mind a study I'd done on Hyundai. They've come a long way and had good cars with even better warranties. I got on the internet and saw that there was a Hyundai dealership across the street from Nissan. I headed out to pick up my crippled car. I didn't know what was going to happen, but I put my situation in God's hands.

Give and it shall be given to you pressed down and shaken together

Since I've taken so long to obey God and start writing this blog....forgive me Father, I'm going to have to go back and explain some things. I've been born-again since 2004. Much like a marriage, my walk with God has had it's ups and downs. I don't blame any of that on Him. I'm still learning how to listen, AND OBEY. I'm awesome at the listening part, but I know I've still got a "N" for "Needs Improvement" next to obey on my heavenly report card. Logical thinking has previously been my process. However, when you start serving God, you've got to throw logical thinking out the window, just like the widow of Zarephath ( http://www.devotional-reflections-from-the-bible.com/Elijahandwidow.html ).

The Bible says God has commaned us to tithe. It wasn't a suggestion, it was a command. I had been struggling with that for years. I'm a single-mom with four kids. Child support? Pffft. It seemed like my money was going out faster than it was coming in. How could I afford to give God 10%?! I learned the hard way I couldn't afford not to. I know God cannot lie. I know nothing in the Bible is a lie. So when God promised that if I would give, it would be given unto me, it has to be true. God says to prove Him in this. It's in the Bible, in Malachi 3:10.

I'm tired of lack. I'm a child of God, and God's children don't lack. So, I've started tithing. I have to be honest, it wasn't easy. But I don't want to live under a curse, I don't want my children living under a curse. I choose to honor God with the first 10th of my increase.

Okay, let me try this again...

I thought I originally started this blog to share the happenings in my life with my family. Obviously God had another idea....He usually does. I just wonder why it takes me so long to get on board? I'm going to try to blog everyday. Now, that's pretty ambitious for me. Between working 40 hours a week, raising four children, and everything that comes with that.... My prayer is that someone reading my stories will be blessed by it. I have learned that when I overcome the Goliaths in my life, sharing my testimony is not only a blessing to others, but gives glory to God. So read, enjoy, and be blessed in Jesus name!